When you think about the typical guest room, you think about a space in your home where you want to make people feel comfortable, to feel relaxed and as if they have a temporary space where they can lay down their heads for a number of hours to rest — and the way you set up the room has a big influence on this.
Specifically, by choosing a good color or color combination for your guest room walls, you will make it a space that people will enjoy returning to when it is time to tuck in for the night (or the morning if you prefer nighttime activities.)
Orange may be something you think of in terms of what to serve your guest or guests when they first wake up in the morning, but depending on the shade of orange that you pick out, you can also make the guest room look really lovely and welcoming if you paint the walls orange.
When you paint the walls the right shade of orange, you can complement it by picking out an assortment of things for the interior design as well, such as throw pillows for the bed, or a nice bedspread, perhaps even a small runner for the guest room bedside table.
The color light yellow can be quite a welcoming one in terms of those that you find in your typical guest room.
Yellow has a sort of implication of warmth, as it were, and this is not just because people tend to associate it with sitting in a childhood art class, making the sun look nice (in the corner of the page, most often.)
Just in its own presence, yellow adds warmth to the room and this is a positive thing.
When a typical person thinks of the color blue, the thoughts tend to drift (pun intended) toward the water and the beautiful feelings of tranquility that are associated with bodies of water, large or small.
From a psychological perspective, the color blue is calming in its nature and can help people to feel more at ease in the space where they are — and that’s quite a good thing when you have a room such as a guest room set up that way.
Another fine color that will bring nature to mind is the color green — though you will be thinking of other aspects of nature when you see this particular color.
There are not only many shades of green that you can appreciate in nature just by going for a walk, but even in your local supermarket you can find quite a lot of green — and if your guest room looks good enough to eat, you will know why!
The color light grey makes for a really good guest room that can also double as an office should you have the need for one — and after the year we had (2020, that is) a lot of people have found that they have acquired quite the need for a home office.
The nice thing about light grey is that it is a good warm tone that is not too overpowering, which can quite often be good in a room such as a guest room where you don’t want to put all too much loudness as it were on the walls… unless of course, that is exactly what you want to do!
Linen is a color that is easier to understand if you see it — it’s a perfect color if you like the look of white paint but you want something that is a little different, so to speak.
It is just a bit more cream-like than pure white and might be just what you need if you don’t want too much color in your guest room.
Lastly, you should consider rose if you want to add a bit of real fun color to your guest room.
Unlike pure pink, which some people find to be too much, rose is a nice light color and not too strong.
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