Preparing the surface for exterior painting is the most important task. A clean surface is always important for good paint job. To create a more stunning exterior space, preparation is the most important key. Generally, paint on the exterior of a home can build up chalk to deposits. However, you can easily eliminate the chalk deposits by power washing the exterior of your house. For the general rule, if the surface is not properly clean, they are not ready to be painted. In case the exterior of your home consists of stained siding, pressure washing can still be the perfect option.
In order to take the unsightly old paint off the exterior surface, you need to scrape and sand it. These methods generally balance each other, if nothing is enough to eliminate everything that needs to go. Either way, you need to make sure that all exterior surfaces you plan to paint are smooth and free from all cracks.
The task of preparing the exterior of your home for painting should also include utilizing putty and other products to seal any nail head depressions, cracks, and any other imperfections of the surfaces. You need to scrape away all old caulk and apply new caulk and prime.
It is also important to get rid of all dust, dirt, and mildew from the exterior surfaces. To do this, you can use a piece of cloth or a soft brush and clean off any dust and dirt from the exterior surfaces that need to be painted. It is important to get rid of the chalk residue with a brush or water. This will also help to remove the mildew from the exterior surfaces.
Once the cracks and holes are repaired and the surface is properly prepped you need to properly prime those areas. It is also important to apply primer on any exposed areas where paint has peeled or blistered. Furthermore, it is important allow the primed surface to dry thoroughly.
If you are thinking to hire the professional exterior painting contractors in Poway, exterior surface preparation should be a part of the entire exterior paint project plan. There are many painting contractors that can fix the damaged surface areas. This will save you from the trouble of searching and hiring a second company to do the job.