The Importance Of Using Paint Primer In San Diego, CA

Using paint primer for paint projects in San Diego, CA is an important part of painting that a lot of people often forget about. If people are doing their own work and aren’t getting their work done by a painting contractor in San Diego like Peek Brothers Painting, they will often not think to use paint primer. Paint primer is necessary and useful for a lot of different reasons. The most important reasons for using primer when painting include:

  • Seals new surfaces

  • Hides surface blemishes

  • Helps final paint color

The only time you really want to skip using paint primer is if your walls are already in good enough shape to not need it, meaning there are no blemishes or stains that will show through. Often, when the new paint matches the old one closely and the walls are in good shape, you can also skip the step of using primer before the paint. Other times, paint can even have primer combined together. With that being said, you will usually find that a San Diego painting contractor, like Peek Brothers Painting, will be using paint primer for whatever it is that they are painting just to be safe.

Seals New Surfaces

Whenever you begin painting any new surface, nearly any San Diego painting contractor will agree that using a primer first is an important part of the process. Whether that be a wooden surface, drywall, or a metal surface, using primer first is always important for many reasons. Most of the time, these surfaces have a lot of holes, pores, and ridges that will easily soak up the paint if you were to paint right over them without using any primer first. Primer will help seal these surfaces so that you don’t have to worry about your paint not going on smoothly.


Hides Surface Blemishes

Hiding surface blemishes using paint primer on any wall, structure, or surface that is being painted is also something important that a painting contractor in San Diego will agree needs to be done prior to using paint. Surface blemishes can include a wide variety of things, such as mildew stains, water damage, grease patches, joints, seams, mold, and any other form of discoloration or blemish that you will not want showing through after applying the final paint product to the surface. 

Helps Final Paint Color

The final paint color is something a painting contractor in San Diego needs to make sure comes out nearly perfect once the surface is finished being painted. Paint primer is not only used for covering up new surfaces or possible surface blemishes, but it can also be used on a perfectly smooth surface that needs to be painted. When you are painting a wall a lighter color than it previously was, paint primer is key to making sure no dark spots show through over the new light surface. Darker paint will often be visible, for example, if you are painting a surface a light tan from a dark blue. When in doubt, using paint primer will usually be the better option over not using it at all.