People often face difficulties with the task of proper disposing of used paint. This is the reason why you need to have proper knowledge about reusing and recycling latex and oil paints. Fortunately, latex paint is recyclable; however oil-based paint is considered household hazardous waste and should be disposed of. When disposing of unused oil-based paint, you should go through the label carefully first and then follow the manufacturer’s instructions for proper disposal. In order to know about the regulations affecting in your area, you need to check with your recycling or household hazardous waste coordinator.
Paint should never be taken as a waste product. In fact, the use of paint itself doesn’t create waste, as with used motor oil. Paint itself is meant to be used up, and if properly stored, it can last for years. Most people already know that household paint is recyclable. However, household paints can be disposed of in several ways.
Most latex based paint that doesn’t contain mercury contaminants can be easily recycled. You can find two types of recycled paint re-blended and re-processed. Re-blended and re-processed paints are also known as consolidated paint and re-manufactured paint respectively. Generally, the re-blended paint contains a much higher amount of recycled paint than re-processed paint.
The process of creating re-blended paint involves several interconnected stages. You have to mix several paints together, include various colors and sheens. After that, the paint is filtered, packaged and distributed.
Re-processed paints are created by mixing old paint with new paint together with other new materials. Re-process paints are then tested for quality, packaged, and distributed.
With re-processed paints, you can find more colors than re-blended paint. On the other hand, re-blended paints are available in just neutral colors. You can reduce the demand on the planet’s natural resources by recycling paint in this way. It also helps in creating good markets for excess paint atdifferent places where people prefer to buy and utilizerecycled paint. However, oil-based paints cannot be recycled in this way.
When you are purchasing paint for a project, you need to determine how much paint you will need. This you will end up with as little excess paint as possible. You should also make every little effort to use leftover paint. It is also a good decision to donate the paint to the local organizations, such as charities, churches, schools etc.